The Weave of the Great Mother

Online Goddess teachings introduced by Priestess of Avalon, Kathy Jones


With Priest/esses of Avalon Marga Nobell, Sarah Perini, Aline Castell, Freddie Finotto, Luiza Frazao, Laura Ghianda, Jana de Madrid and Maya Vasallo

The Weave of the Great Mother

Online Goddess teachings introduced by Priestess of Avalon, Kathy Jones


With Priest/esses of Avalon Marga Nobell, Sarah Perini, Aline Castell, Freddie Finotto, Luiza Frazao, Laura Ghianda, Jana de Madrid and Maya Vasallo

The Weave of the Great Mother

Online Goddess teachings introduced by Priestess of Avalon, Kathy Jones


With Priest/esses of Avalon Marga Nobell, Sarah Perini, Aline Castell, Freddie Finotto, Luiza Frazao, Laura Ghianda, Jana de Madrid and Maya Vasallo

Have you ever wondered what modern day Goddess worship looks like in the world?
The Weave of the Great Mother is a new Goddess learning opportunity, an invitation to open the doorway into a rich world of transformation within the Mystery of Goddess, as She appears in some of Her many forms.

Each of the eight presenters has trained within Glastonbury Goddess Temple Teachings and initiated as a Priestess or Priest of Avalon. They have then taken the energetic frameworks of Avalon and applied them to finding Goddess within their own lands and re-membering Her there. Each Priest/ess is now helping bring Goddess alive again within their lands. They are wonderful inspiring international priestesses and teachers, the Founders of Goddess Teachings, new Goddess Temples, Priestess Trainings and Goddess Conferences.

In this eight part course, you will be given modern-day teachings about particular Goddesses of these different lands from this Priestess lineage.

Be inspired by these amazing skilful women and men who are helping create MotherWorld around the Earth. Four priest/esses from Italy demonstrate how Goddess can be found in many different and related forms within one country, with four others who are from Sweden, Portugal, Mexico and Spain! Explore the world of different Goddesses, and learn from those who are re-imagining and re-founding Her Temples here on Earth.

Each experiential online session lasts up to one hour or more, and includes an introduction to the Goddesses of that land, followed by participatory sacred journeys and practices. Each video session is complemented by a PDF which explores the Herstory of the Goddesses being explored in more detail.

Participants are also invited to join the private Facebook group for Goddess Temple online courses, Goddess Conversations, to share inspirations and thoughts on the course. Course tutors are available to give feedback to students through this group.

This course is for all dreamers who feel Her Call, for those seeking new ways of understanding Goddess, for interested academics and all those who love Goddess and Her world. It is a rich, eclectic mix of Goddess Teachings.

All the course materials will be released at the same time. This means the course can be worked through at a time and space that suits you, although we advise you to watch the series in the order given as it follows a flow of Goddess information and ideas.

Receive a 20% discount when you purchase this course together with our other online courses!

Click here to find out more. 

Here’s what a recent participant had to say:

I can highly recommend this course.  It was excellent value even at full price and now you have a chance to follow at a discount for October you can tell all your friends too.  It is such a good way to support those we value and the work they do on our behalf.

I have just completed it and it was wonderful to see the different ways Goddess is brought alive and celebrated in the modern world with such beauty, ease and grace.  I have been back and watched several of the presentations and will dip in again and again for inspiration and support. Do not hesitate if you feel called.

